
Browsing Archive: March, 2013

Adding more search engines

Posted by Mihai Alexandru on Friday, March 15, 2013, In : business 

The title tags should be shorter in length with 6-8 words and should not be too critical to analyze. Some may prefer to use the ones that are popular and fast because it may give them the fastest way of locating people, and yes it is. Plus, this might generate someone who has the same name, so better be prepared of the right information of that person for fast and accurate location. Internet has become a powerful marketing source for the benefit of mankind. However, there has been mixe...

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Cand aveti nevoie de reparatii pentru termopanele din locuinta dvs.

Posted by Mihai Alexandru on Tuesday, March 12, 2013, In : Articole 
Dupa o anumita perioada de la montarea tamplariei din PVC,Aluminiu,lemn stratificat pot aparea diferite

probleme in functionarea corecta a acesteia.Datorita diferitilor factori care pot influenta buna functionare a

tamplariei pot aparea urmatoarele probleme:

-usile,geamurile,rulourile din locuinta dvs. nu se mai inchid etans(patrund curenti de aer,apa,zgomotul din exterior).
-usile si geamurile "agata" ating tocul usi sau al ferestrei in functie de caz.

-ferestrele sau usile se blocheaza cand sun...
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